Quality Assurance
The PFTC have been delegated the Quality Assurance function of the current firearm qualification on behalf of the QCTO.
This function includes:
- Ensuring that training material is current and meets the requirements
- Training centres are equipped to be able to present professional training
- Training and Assessment personnel are registered and properly qualified
- Moderation and verification processes ensuring compliance within the industry.
117705: Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000)
This category is currently the entry level or “Learning assumed to be in place” for all other Firearm Unit Standards. This category is also the entry level to category 2.
119649: Handle and use a Handgun.
119650: Handle and use a self-loading Rifle or Carbine.
119651: Handle and use a manually operated Rifle or Carbine.
119652: Handle and use a Shotgun.
This category is the requirement for private Firearm ownership or first time firearm ownership. In other words these Unit Standards are the equivalent of what is known Internationally as BASIC LEVEL. This category is also the entry level to category 3.
123515: Handle and use a Handgun for Business purposes.
123514: Handle and use a Shotgun for Business purposes.
123511: Handle and use a self-loading Rifle or Carbine for business purposes.
123519: Handle and use a manually operated Rifle or Carbine for business purposes.
This category is applicable to Security guards and anybody else who is issued with a company firearm. This category is for firearms licensed to a company or institution for “business purposes”. What this means is that a Security Officer who carries a Handgun, will be required to complete firstly 117705, then 119649 and then 123515. This category can be seen as an INTERMEDIATE LEVEL or duty related level.
123510: Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms.
123513: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a Handgun.
123518: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a self-loading Rifle or Carbine.
123512: Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a Shotgun.
This category is intended for all persons who would need to use a firearm/s in a tactical environment. This category can be seen as what is internationally referred to as ADVANCED LEVEL.
123516: Supervise Shooting Exercises.
123517: Safely Supervise the Operation of a Shooting Range and Tactical Shooting Exercises.
116483: Apply moral decision making and problem solving strategies.
117870: Conduct targeted training and development using given methodologies .
123520: Supervise Firearm Training.
This category consists of 2 Range Officer levels, Teaching Methodology, Ethics and a Supervisory level. (Instructor Level). Many existing Instructors will qualify for RPL against these Unit Standards.
Elective u/s 1243200: Handle and use a Muzzle loading firearm (Cat 2)
Elective u/s 2m 120487: Use of firearms in a military and law enforcement environment (Cat 3)
Any person wishing to present Range Officer training must hold a PFTC Advanced Level Instructor grading. Any person wishing to present tactical Range Officer training must hold a PFTC Tactical Instructor grading.
The full firearm qualification consists of smaller part qualifications or unit standards. These unit standards include:
- Basic training for the firearm disciplines (handgun, shotgun, rifles),
- Business Purposes training for the firearm disciplines,
- Tactical training for the various disciplines, Range Officer and Instructor and training.
Each of these unit standards are positioned on the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and are recognized by SAQA. Each unit standard has an “entry level requirement” which learners must take into consideration. Learners must work through the different categories within the qualification from Category One and chronologically up to Category Five.

If you would like to find out more about how to become an accredited firearm training provider and to download the necessary application forms, click the button below

Instructors, Assessors and Moderators must all be registered and graded with the PFTC. Click on the button below to find application forms and requirements.

- Learners must ensure that the training provider they have chosen is PFTC-accredited for the unit standards they wish to complete, and that the training provider is using PFTC-accredited training material and personnel.
- If a training provider is not accredited, then the provider will not be able to load the learner’s results onto the PFTC Learner Management System and will in turn not be able to print the learner a Statement of Results (SoR).
- A learner cannot apply for a firearm competency certificate if not in possession of a SoR.