5 Top-Rated Handguns for Home Security and Self-Defence

5 Top-Rated Handguns for Home Security and Self-Defence

Personal Safety Explored


By Linda Williams

Here are 5 top-rated handguns for home security and self-defence because home burglaries and invasions are the largest crime contributor in the country.

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According to recent studies, a U.S. home is burglarized every 26 seconds in the United States, resulting in more than 3,000 home invasions each day. According to the FBI, the future of home invasions looks grim, as numbers continue to skyrocket.

When we think of home invasions, we often focus on the stolen items, the damage to the home, and the financial loss caused by the burglary. Sadly, most people fail to consider the grueling psychological effects of a home invasion and how they will cope with the burglary-induced trauma.

To subdue their fears, victims of home invasions look to increase their home’s safety measures with the help of fully-loaded firearms such as these. Each year, over 2.5 million crimes are prevented by guns. In most cases, these pistols remain silent-but-deadly forces in the average household. Although many heads of households refrain from pulling the trigger in the face of impending danger, the gun you own and count on needs to be reliable and working if the situation escalates to a deadly level.

When looking for the best handgun for home security and self-defense, it’s easy to get caught up in the plethora of options at your local gun store and purchase something best suited for range use. Instead, look for the following five handguns, available for purchase at any gun store: 

Glock 19

When it comes to handguns, the pinnacle brand for reliability and ease of use is Glock. Glock offers 50 different models to choose from, but their most popular model is the Glock 19. The Glock 19 is a compact pistol chambered in 9mm, and with standard magazines, it holds 16 rounds with one in the chamber.

In addition to boasting large magazine capacity and Glock-exclusive reliability, the Glock 19 is also the top gun due to its ease of customization. The Glock 19 comes standard with popular aftermarket add-ons such as slide cuts for optics, a match-grade barrel, and one of the best factory triggers. If those features alone don’t check-off your wishlist, scour the market for other accessories that will make the Glock a must-have addition to your gun collection.

Glock 43

If the Glock 19 isn’t compact enough to be your go-to concealed carry gun, then the Glock 43 is the next best option. Like the Glock 19, the 43 is also chambered in 9mm and offers the same reliability and functionality. The Glock 43 is a “subcompact” gun, so its overall dimensions are several inches smaller, making it a breeze to carry concealed.

Sig Sauer P320

The Sig Sauer P320 is similar to the Glock 19 in size, caliber, and reliability, but subtle differences attract gun enthusiasts in-the-making. For starters, the Sig Sauer P320 features an extended slide and magazine release, which allows for quicker reloads. Not to mention, this firearm has a one-of-a-kind textured grip that keeps the gun firmly in your hand when firing it. 

Sig Sauer P365

The Sig Sauer P365 is the sub-compact version of the P320. Due to its size, carrying it is effortless and super comfortable, which means that it won’t jab into your stomach or leg when walking or sitting down. One of the most significant drawbacks of sub-compact guns is that they usually only hold 6-8 rounds from the factory. The P365 can hold up to 12 rounds in the magazine plus one in the chamber. 

Smith and Wesson M&P

The S&W M&P is a little bit larger than the G19, and it too is actively used by military and police personnel. However, one significant difference is that depending on the version you buy, the S&W M&P comes equipped with a safety. If you are a novice gun owner, having a safety on your gun prevents accidental discharges and ensures that you only fire the weapon when you intend to do so.
Parting shot

Don’t get caught flat-footed in the face of a predator. Take your family’s safety into your own hands with these home-defense-friendly firearms.

Read Also: These Cars Are At High Risk Of Theft In SA

Article Credit to The Antilope Valley Times.


What’s your view of SA being besieged by organised crime as fast becoming a gangsters’ paradise? How do you think South Africa should address this major safety issue? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like it and share it with your friends.

Read Also: Vehicle Crime Has Evolved Over The Past 25 Years

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SA Besieged By Organised Crime

SA Besieged By Organised Crime

Crime & Security Explored

By Graeme Hosken

SA besieged by organised crime as fast becoming a gangsters’ paradise. Global research reveals how sophisticated criminal gangs tightened their grip on Africa during Covid-19.

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SA has the dubious honour of being ranked Africa’s 10th most vulnerable country to organised crime, with mafias, arms smugglers, human traffickers and drug dealers running riot, according to a global crime index.

Released on Thursday, the 2021 Organised Crime Index paints a damning picture of the operations of sophisticated criminal gangs across the continent.

The latest index, which was launched in 2019, looked at organised crime in Africa under Covid-19.

The index assessed resilience to organised crime by looking at the strength of a country’s political leadership, governance and criminal justice systems, economic regulations, anti-money laundering laws and civil society.

Leading the index in terms of countries most vulnerable to organised crime is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Of the 54 countries reviewed, Cape Verde is the most resilient to the scourge.

The Central African region registered the largest rise in criminality, with East Africa the continent’s region where organised crime is the most prevalent.

The index measures countries on a scale of one to 10, with 10 indicating a chronic organised crime problem.

The index showed that organised crime has became worse in 42 countries, with improvements recorded in 12 between 2019 and 2021. Africa has the second-highest levels of criminality globally, after Asia.


There were only a few resilience improvements, in terms of social protection measures, which relate to non-hard security measures. Other than this improvement the rest is not good news at all.

Martin Ewi, ISS

While researchers said the ongoing strengthening of SA’s criminal justice system ensured the country ranked number two in terms of resilience to organised crime, overall SA obtained a score of 6.63.

This, said the Institute for Security Studies’ (ISS) Martin Ewi, was “highly concerning”.

The ISS together with the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) and Interpol conducted the research through the EU’s Enhancing Africa’s Response to Transnational Organised Crime (Enact) project.

Ewi, regional coordinator for Southern Africa for the Enact project, said SA’s rising vulnerabilities were driven by gangsterism, human trafficking, drug smuggling and wildlife and weapons crimes.

The report revealed SA had:

  • an alarming drug consumption rate, especially cocaine;
  • the arms market was fuelled by rampant police corruption, weapons coming from outside the country and leftover stockpiles from the apartheid era; and
  • mafia-style groups were pronounced and particularly active in the drug trade and extortion.

In creating the index, researchers looked at the involvement of local and foreign based criminal networks, mafias and state officials in crimes involving human trafficking, drug and weapons smuggling, wildlife poaching and theft of non-renewable mineral resources.

Ewi said after the first index they had hoped to see improvements in countries resilience to organised crime.

“What is both disturbing and surprising is that two years after the first index,there are increases in terms of countries’ vulnerabilities to organised crime. The increases have been across almost all the fields of organised crime.

“There were only a few resilience improvements, in terms of social protection measures, which relate to non-hard security measures. Other than this improvement the rest is not good news at all.”

He said while SA’s resilience to organised crime was high because of improvements to the criminal justice cluster, if the country was to be properly shielded against transnational organised crime then significant improvements to the cluster still needed to be made.

“From the last study we were expecting big improvements in SA’s resilience to organised crime, which simply did not come. SA now ranks 10 on the continent when it comes to organised criminality vulnerabilities, which is very concerning as this fuels crimes such as corruption.

“SA’s biggest organised crime threat comes from gangsterism, drugs, human trafficking and arms smuggling within the country. SA leads the continent when it comes to gangsterism, drugs and human trafficking. SA’s score is considered very high and way above the continental average.


Our 2019 Index reported widespread organised crime with no region spared the damage inflicted by illicit economies. In 2021 our data suggests it is worse, with more criminality and less resilience.

GI-TOC director Mark Shaw

“If steps are not taken to improve a country’s resilience the message given to criminals is that they can take over, which will in the long term increasingly fuel conflict and crimes such as terrorism.

“Criminal economies often intertwine themselves with formal economies and market institutions of countries experiencing violence, terrorism, insurgency and war. Instability caused by conflict is a significant impediment to an effective government response to organised crime.”

GI-TOC director Mark Shaw said: “The wheels of the criminal ecosystem kept turning during Covid-19.

“Our 2019 Index reported widespread organised crime with no region spared the damage inflicted by illicit economies. In 2021 our data suggests it is worse, with more criminality and less resilience.”

He said organised criminals took advantage of the pandemic to fill gaps left by state institutions and adapt illicit activities to beat Covid-19 restrictions, and were able to adapt more effectively than legal entities.

Shaw said human trafficking remained the most pervasive criminal market in Africa, while the cocaine trade saw the biggest increase.

Main Image: DAMNING Research by Institute for Security Studies, Interpol and international think tank Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime shows that SA ranks as Africa’s 10th most vulnerable country when it comes to organised crime gangs.
Image: 123RF

Read Also: These Cars Are At High Risk Of Theft In SA

Article Credit to Times LIVE.


What’s your view of SA being besieged by organised crime as fast becoming a gangsters’ paradise? How do you think South Africa should address this major safety issue? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you found our content informative, do like it and share it with your friends.

Read Also: Vehicle Crime Has Evolved Over The Past 25 Years

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